Remember Who You Are
As more and more people are asking me “what is an intuitive artist?” or what do you do? I have realized that I have been asking myself the same things!
I have just been doing what I’m told and also realizing that this may not be a significant answer for most, including myself-LOL. I have been painting Starseeds that are ready to find their way home, commissioned paintings, making jewelry that I have been told to make in a certain way but this really doesn’t explain what I am doing and as I sit with myself, I recall my workshop with archangel Michael and my Akashic Records what I was shown that night when I asked why my soul's purpose is here is this “you are here to help guide people to remember who they are” and that is exactly it. My artwork, my energy work, and all that I do is here to guide people home, full circle. To help them remember who they are and that we are never alone.
Please feel free to DM me to connect on my process and if you would like to request an intuitive guided painting of our origins.